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Every last Friday of the month at 7pm

Finding comfort in our new zero-gravity chairs, you will be guided by Stéphane's soothing voice in meditation, followed by a moment of relaxation and well-being surrounded by the sounds and vibrations of crystal bowls.

Cost: 40$

**Would you like to participate in one of our Sound Bath evenings but the dates do not work with your schedule

Reach out and we will gladly host an evening for you and your group (minimum 6 and maximum 10).**

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Date de la prochaine journée à venir bientôt

Une journée de partage et de ressourcement physique et énergétique en pleine conscience.
Un espace pour te reconnecter à toi-même, aux autres et à la nature.
On t'invites à t'offrir cette petite douceur, viens te laisser porter au fil des ateliers intuitivement créée pour t'assoupir et te laisser recevoir.

Yoga, méditation, bain sonore, ateliers bien-être, cercle sacré et partage.

Lunch inclus en collaboration avec Café sur la Rive à Plantagenet. Le menu vous sera partagé lors de l'inscription.
Rafraichissements pendant la journée seront disponible.

Offert par Karine, prof de yoga et ''energy healer''  et Josiane, coach en santé holistique

Full Moon


Sunday, July 21st at 8pm
Monday, August 19th at 8pm
Tuesday, September 17th at 7:30pm

Cozy around a camp fire, awaken and align your body with this rejuvenating yoga session under the energie of the full moon and stars. We'll focus on mindfulness and flexibility, and you will leave feeling relaxed and balanced.
In case of rain, session will be canceled.

Cost: 20$ payable that evening

Bring your yoga mat, water bottle and blanket

Have a fun workshop or event that you would like to hold at the studio? 
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